How Do I Work With a Virtual Assistant or Virtual Team?


You may already know that you need a virtual assistant or a virtual team to support your business, but how do you actually start? We take our clients through a simple, step-by-step process. This includes making a list of priority tasks, having a kickoff call, sharing files and logins, confirming timelines, and asking for regular feedback. Following these steps will help ensure a successful working relationship! 

How Do I Work With a Virtual Assistant or Virtual Team?


As exciting as it is to get some help with your business, it can also feel a little daunting to start outsourcing to virtual team members. Once you have an idea of WHAT you need help with (see “What can a virtual assistant do for me?”), you are still left wondering HOW you’re going to begin this new working relationship. 

We’ve been doing this for years - and we’ve seen both sides of the outsourcing relationship - so today, we’ve broken it down to help you give you the confidence to start outsourcing to a highly qualified virtual team! This is the exact process we guide our clients through, during the onboarding process. 

Make a List of High Priority Tasks

Start by making a list of the highest-priority tasks or projects you would like your virtual assistant to tackle. You can certainly make a long, comprehensive list - but when it comes to starting off with your new team, condense this to 1-3 priority items. By clearly defining your needs, you set the stage for effective collaboration and start building a trusting relationship. 

Remember, you can always outsource more! But starting small is the best way to set you and your new virtual assistant team up for success.

Have a Kickoff Call

Once you have a clear idea of priority projects, schedule a kickoff call with your virtual assistant to walk through the items on your list. We highly recommend a video conference call, so you can share screens as needed. 

This call not only helps establish a personal connection but also allows for clear communication and a foundational understanding of your needs and how you’d like tasks done. 

Provide Access and Logins

During the kickoff call, you will need to provide access to files and necessary logins for your virtual assistant. To ensure security and efficiency, consider using systems like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive for file sharing. For sharing logins, tools like LastPass or OnePassword provide secure and confidential options.

Confirm Timelines for Completion

Clear communication is going to be the #1 indicator of success in this new outsourcing relationship. Take the time to discuss and confirm timelines for completion with your virtual assistant. 

To streamline task management, try using a project management tool such as Asana. This way, you can assign and track tasks, which helps with reducing friction and increasing accountability.

Provide Feedback and Communicate Regularly

To build a strong working relationship, provide feedback and communicate regularly with your virtual assistant team. This not only helps them understand your expectations but also fosters an effective and positive working environment. 

You can do this by scheduling regular check-in calls with your virtual team. You can walk them through your to-do list and delegate directly. Over time, they will be able to anticipate your needs and help you offload more tasks - allowing you to feel re-energized in your work and gain more capacity for growing and scaling your business. 

If you’re curious about how our virtual assisting team can help you focus on doing what you love because you’re no longer handling dreaded-yet-necessary business tasks, I invite you to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consultation! If you’re a current client of Melissa Swink & Co., please feel free to reach out to me via email if you’d like to review the tasks and projects you’re sending our way and discover additional ways we can support you as you grow your business.


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